Network stage of the republican subject Olympiad on social and humanitarian education

19 NIS students Petropavlovsk participated in the network stage of the republican subject Olympiad on social and humanitarian education.

All of them have been well trained and intend to represent the NIS team in the next stage. The winner of the Republican Olympiad last year, Aruay Kuderova, decided to continue defending the honor of her school in the last year of her studies.
– I have been participating in the Olympic movement since 2017. Over the years, I have noticed how my self-confidence and confidence in my skills are growing. Our director Daniyar Serikovich says that the peculiarity of the NIS school Olympiad movement is that students combine good academic performance at school and success in the Olympic Games across the country. In fact, NIS students occupy leading positions in most subjects. This indicates the success of such a system. I am very grateful that I was included in the Olympic movement five years ago. This has brought me success in various areas of life.