Aeroponic method of cultivation in crop production

The project of students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of chemistry and biology in Petropavlovsk took second place in the republican stage of the “Туған елге тағзым” competition. The students suggested an alternative method of growing plants. 

Within the framework of the unique republican competition “Туған елге тағзым“, students of the chemical and biological direction of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Petropavlovsk presented their works in the following directions: “The best project of the historical heritage of Kazakhstan”, “Innovative and industrial development”, “Social entrepreneurship and the power of new ideas” , “Our strength is in unity!”, “Ult ruhaniyaty – babalar amanaty”, “Green planet”. In the latter direction, the North Kazakhstani project “Growing Plants Using Aeroponic Installation” took second place.

Grade 8 students Artem Kuznetsov and Zhanbolat Atygaev conducted an experiment with growing microgreens in an aeroponic installation. The experiment was a success and the students of the school proved the effectiveness of the aeroponic method over the traditional soil method of growing plants.

“Our project took 2nd place among 42 projects represented throughout the network of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools. This is a great result for us. Zhanbolat and I worked for 2 months and got good results in growing microgreens in airborne conditions. This is just the beginning, we do not plan to stop at the achieved results and will continue research in this direction, ”said Artem Kuznetsov. 


With this method of cultivation, the soil is not used. The roots of plants receive all the nutrients from the “fog”, which is an aerosol with nutrients. According to the results of the experiment, the average seed growth of two varieties of radish, Mitsuna, Rutabaga, and watercress turned out to be 3.7 cm higher with the aeroponic method of cultivation. In the future, young scientists plan to examine the chemical composition of plants grown in an innovative way, as well as grow strawberries and watermelons in a similar way. The students are sure that this technology can be used for industrial purposes. The innovative technology will make it possible to grow garden crops not only during summer in the fields and summer cottages, but also throughout the year in special plants. This is especially true for the northern regions of the country. 


A unique patriotic project – “Туған елге тағзым” has been carried out since 2012. It is designed to form students’ interest in local history, acquaints students with various regions of the country. Children participate in educational trips and conduct research in the regions of Kazakhstan. Students of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools are also engaged in scientific work aimed at the development of the republic.